Medicine of the Person
is een op relaties gerichte benadering van de geneeskunde, die elke persoon  waardeert als een onverbrekelijke eenheid met zijn lichamelijke, psychologische en spirituele dimensies. Daarbij wordt ook rekening gehouden met de plaats die deze persoon  inneemt in zijn lokale gemeenschap en in de samenleving als geheel.


01 75e internationale bijeenkomst, 20 t/m 23 augustus 2025

75e internationale bijeenkomst, 20 t/m 23 augustus 2025

Dear friends of the medicine of the person

At our 75th meeting since 1947, we ask ourselves the following question

How do we experience Medicine of the Person today?

What has changed in 75 years in medicine, in society and in us as doctors, in terms of the doctor-patient relationship? 

Lectures and Bible studies will give us ideas for small group discussions and personal exchanges, so that we can all rethink and develop our personal approach to patients. 

You can find the full programme here.

As usual, we'll visit the area around Montmirail on guided excursions before the study days, and take the opportunity to socialise and get to know each other. (From 17 to 20 August 2025)

Registration deadline: 15 May 2025.

Use the online registration form here

You can also print out the registration form and send it by post or e-mail to the regional secretariat.   

We look forward to welcoming you to Montmirail in August 2025 and send you our warmest greetings.

The preparation team.


Annual subscription:
As a sign of solidarity and loyalty, we would be pleased if you would pay the annual membership fee of 13£ (CHF 15), even if you do not attend the congress, as stipulated in the statutes. This will help us cover fixed costs. Thank you very much.  (Bank details)

Donations for price reductions
We try to keep the congress costs as low as possible.  For students and financially less well-off participants, we rely on your generosity and thank you for any additional contribution. (Bank details)


02 herfstbrief 2024

herfstbrief 2024

Beste vrienden,

Via deze brief willen we u een indruk geven van de conferentie in 2024 in Northampton

genieten van de Lezing (in english)

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